December 1, 2019
ANNOUNCEMENT: Vox Veniae Votes to Disaffiliate from ECC Denomination
Church Clarity Team

Vox Veniae Church (Austin, Texas) -- a Verified Clear Church -- has voted to disaffiliate itself from the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) in order to clarify and differentiate their policies from the denomination. Vox Veniae initially completed our Verified Clear policy survey on January 24th, 2019, indicating that they would hire LGBTQ people but that they were “Actively Discerning” the officiation of LGBTQ weddings and ordination of LGBTQ people. As of this vote, their “Actively Discerning” responses have now been changed to “Yes.” We commend Vox Veniae for their commitment to clarity, and we're happy to offer our platform to any Verified Clear church that has recently concluded their discernment process!