churches respond to covid-19

In Response to Statements Made by Founder George Mekhail

Ross Young

We are aware of our founder George Mekhail’s statements this morning regarding his purported activities at the Bellagio (e.g. walking around with no mask and greeting staff workers during the start of the pandemic). 

While Mekhail was one of the founders of Church Clarity, he is no longer in leadership in the organization and voluntarily stepped down in May of 2020. 

The leaders of Church Clarity disagree with his decision to put individuals at risk under the defense of free exercise of personal belief.

Church Clarity urges the adherence of all public health guidelines, especially as this pandemic has disproportionately impacted low-income and essential workers as well as people of color.  You can find those guidelines here:

Mekhail also claimed that the goal of Church Clarity was to “ensure that everyone had the ability to exercise their beliefs freely.”  The leadership at Church Clarity does not agree that this statement aligns with our goals as an organization nor does it speak to the values and principles we strive for in our mission for asking churches to clarify their policies.

We strive to be a place where people can access accurate information regarding a church’s policy so that they can make an informed decision as to if that church aligns with their beliefs.

Our mission is to increase the standard of clarity throughout the Church Industry. We are not advocating for policy changes; we are standardizing church policy disclosure, whatever the policy or type of church in question. People deserve to know the truth. 

Team Leads of Church Clarity:

Jess Kotnour

Adrian Waller

Ross Young

Jessica Gabel

Spencer Noble

Phil Lucia

January 7, 2021