Its Score is Unclear because this church's actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but embedded in a sermon titled “Healthy Together” given on Sunday September 1st 2019 by Jason and AJ Howard.
Listen from from 12:13 to 14:00.
“In the beginning God created them male and female”
“God had a design for how He envisioned a family. He says and a man will leave his father and mother to be united with his wife."
We had also previously scored this church on February 20, 2019 as Unclear:Non Affirming due to a pre-marriage packet that used exclusively "bride" and "groom" language. Additionally its "Art of Marriage" group (listed in the Small Groups page) utilized "Family Life: Art of Marriage" materials that use heteronormative language:
The church has husband and wife listed for both pastor roles on their staff bio page. But we cannot find any evidence of women delivering sermons by themselves on their You Tube Channel. Given that we cannot determine if women can give sermons on their own, we are scoring this as Undisclosed.