Its actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but in its peripheral pages on premarital ministries and embedded in a 2013 sermon.
Premarital Ministries: Engagement Covenant
Excerpt: Believing that marriage is a holy and sacred gift from God between a man and a woman, it is our desire that couples approach marriage according to biblical standards and in a way that is pleasing to God.
Sermon: Unrighteous (Bill Morey, April 14, 2013)
Excerpt: God’s word plainly teaches, while we love and embracehomosexuals and while we welcome you here to come and be a part and listen and learn about God’s truth, that the Bible doesn’t approve of that any more than it approves of a man and woman that have sex before marriage, that live together before marriage. (37:05, discussion of homosexuality begins at 32:00)
We could not find a policy on Women in Leadership, so we scored this congregation's website as undisclosed. There are no women in pastoral leadership positions and no women, to date, have preached sermons.