Listen starting at 1:44
“I got a handful of questions about how the church responds to people who, what do you believe about, what is your stance about — all of those varieties of questions around your gay friends or homosexuality. I did this almost every week, I thought what’s the bigger question that will help us really approach the specific questions people are asking. And it’s really, how do you respond to people who live and believe differently than you do? And this can be outside of the LGBTQ umbrella. it’s how do you begin to interact with people who live a different lifestyle and have a different value system than you and I have? …
I thought about what our church needs, and what I need to be reminded of, is how to live out the gracious love that Jesus had, that didn’t sacrifice conviction, but at the same time was incredibly accessible and gracious to every person he encountered.”
This church's actively enforced policy is located not in its website's primary pages, but in a sermon dated 2017, thus we have scored this church's website: Unclear_Non-affirming.
"We love all people here at Cedar Creek," Pastor [Lee] Powell says. "Everyone is welcome, but we're going to speak the truth in love. Adultery is wrong, greed is wrong, and homosexuality is a sin."
"It would be unfair to depict [Ben] Snyder as a typical two-fisted warrior for intolerance. In our phone interview, he came across as a thoughtful and gentle man who wrestles with issues of human judgment even as he claims God's certainty. After he declared homosexuality a "sexual immorality," I asked him what he would say to gay and lesbian teenagers who feel bereft and abandoned by God because of his church's teachings. His voice softened.
"If they feel certain they are homosexual, perhaps there is something else we've missed," he said. "These things can be very divisive or misunderstood. For me, there are names and faces to this."
We could not find a Women in Leadership policy or leadership page on this church's website, thus we have scored it as Undisclosed. Bear in mind that no women, with the exception of a few guest speakers, have preached at this church during 2018