Blog post by Pastor Dan Scott, Taking Refuge: Reflections on Same Sex Marriage (July 1, 2013) Excerpt: The Bible teaches that sexual activity between individuals of the same sex is disordered, or contrary to holy living. We may do all sorts of things with the scriptures that teach this to try to make them mean something else....Nonetheless, we cannot view a homosexual union as Holy Matrimony. Scripture will not allow us to do that. If we bend scripture to accommodate our desire to do it, we will radically reshape Christian faith until it becomes impossible after that to claim that we represent anything more than cleverly devised fables and a helpful support group.
Its actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but in a pastor's blogpost.
There are women with the title of pastor on the team. Women, both on and off staff, preach.
Its actively enforced policy is not clearly communicated on its website's primary pages, and its current leadership team does not reflect its egalitarian policy (not 50% women).