"We Are Committed to the Bible" (Sermon by Steve Koberlein, January 2018) Listen starting at 31:45.
Excerpt: "Honestly, it's even happening today in churches who are redefining marriage. 'Well, Steve, you know, that part there in Romans about homosexuality, I mean, that was written about people... who were being promiscuous. It's not like today, when a man and a man or a woman and a woman, you know, they love each other... God would have to be okay with that because he is the God of love, right?'... It's a slippery slope, Church. And whenever I hear that kind of talk, you know what I think of? I actually think of the Devil in Genesis, chapter 2."
Its actively enforced policy is not clearly communicated on its website's primary pages, but embedded in a sermon recorded on 01/21/2018.
We could not find a policy on Women in Leadership, so we scored this church website as undisclosed. Bear in mind that there are no women in leadership and no women, to date, have preached sermons.