See Q&A sermon series.
Questions Part 3 (Sermon by Michael Fletcher). Listen started 22:53.
“Genesis chapter 1 verse 27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."
It doesn’t say male and female and 'I’m not quite sure.' So there are two genders: male and female. Not male 'and I think female.' Not female 'and I think male.' … Now gender confusion is not uncommon in adolescent and pre-adolescent children. While the hormones are rushing through their bodies, they can get confusing signals—they don’t know how to interpret them. If they never act out these urges, then it’s not sin."
Questions Part 4 (Sermon by Michael Fletcher). Listen starting 24:50.
"The Greek word for 'marital unfaithfulness' is porneia. Porneia means illicit sexual intercourse. It includes adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, perversion of a variety of sorts."
Its actively enforced policy is not communicated on its website, so we scored this church's website as Undisclosed. That said, the executive team consists of all men, and there are no women with "pastor" titles. There is a husband and wife couple in the pastor's section with both their names, but the title is "lead pastor" not "lead pastors," indicating that it is likely that only the husband is a pastor.
Furthermore, while women have preached on Mother's Day, as guest speakers, or as co-preachers with their husbands, no women has given a sermon by herself on a regular Sunday service, so it is unclear if they can.