Page 80: "God created human beings in His own image, distinctly crafted as male and female. Thus, sexuality has been essential to our identity from creation; complementary sexes by divine design. This physical distinction enabled God’s plan for sexual relationship, which is foundational to gender identity. All attempts of whatever sexual nature to blur, confuse, or alter God’s design for sexuality and sexual identity are sin."
Open Bible Churches Manual - Page 33: "An individual who professes to be homosexual or engages in homosexual behavior or promotes orcondones such behavior as an acceptable lifestyle or embraces the occult, immorality, or any other beliefor behavior contrary to Scripture shall not hold credentials with Open Bible churches." Its actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but in its denomination's website. Its denominational affiliation is stated on its website.
Open Bible Churches Manual - p. 85. This church belongs to an egalitarian denomination which permits, but does not require, churches to be egalitarian. Its actively enforced policy is not clearly communicated on its website's primary pages, and its current leadership personnel do not reflect an egalitarian policy.