Its Score is Unclear because this congregation's actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but in a pastor's statement.
"Plainly, CBF and New Millennium Church disagree about LGBTQ equality and inclusion. The Illumination Project process and the CBF decision on yesterday proves that CBF does not choose to be, plan to be, or desire to walk with LGBTQ people and with us concerning this love and justice imperative. New Millennium Church now must decide whether to keep faith with our affirmation to welcome all persons in God's love, or walk away from our open and unapologetic solidarity with Jesus and LGBTQ persons for equality and inclusion."
Additionally, the church is a member of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists, an affirming network.
Its Score is Unclear because this church's actively enforced policy is not clearly communicated on its website's primary pages, but is inferred from its affirming policy, stated on a peripheral page.