Denomination Policy (Assemblies of God)
Fiery Pentecostal Keeps Preaching Bible Truth Even as Churchgoers Walk Out (Charisma News 2016)
Rick Wiles Interviews Terry Bates (TRUNews on YouTube). Start listening at 3:45.
Pastor Terry Bates: A few months ago the Lord began to deal with me on this issue on the lack of spiritual purity within the congregation and our nation and the need to get that purged out. So the focus had shifted to this ideal of refocusing on the fire of God in our lives and his plan to not only present his precise but obviously his purification
In speaking to that issue, I had not planned to speak that day to talk specifically about the more recent issue of culture which is the transgender issue, but certainly as directed by the Spirit, I took on a few challenging moments there with that, and I was literally shocked personally when I began to see people get up, move out, walk out the door, shaking their heads.
(Interviewer) Wait a minute you were talking about the sexual transgender movement and you saw people in your congregation become disturbed?
Pastor Terry Bates: You know I realized that the people who were most likely to walk out are the people have some kind of relationship or connection - a son, daughter, a friend, a coworker. When we get relationally connect with people our value system gets modified by who we are dealing with, it seems I think that's the reason why there was a little bit of a protest to what we are saying...
(Interviewer) And yet your church is a member of Assemblies of God, one of the bedrock denominations of evangelical Christianity. It’s not like you are a liberal episcopal church where they ordain gay ministers. You’d think that the people who’d attend AOG church would know the Bible.
Pastor Terry Bates: I think they do ...
Its actively enforced policy is not located in its website's primary pages, but in sermon archives and in its denomination's policy.