Content Warning for pastor's personal statements.
Its Score is Unclear because this church's actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but in a pastor's statement.
Additional statement: "Today, the world calls women becoming men and men becoming women “good.” It believes that no matter what sex a person is, they should choose the bathroom they identify with, and that killing an unborn baby is a “choice,” a right and a freedom.
This is “good” in the world of political correctness where all should be equal. The world will tell you that to disagree is evil, unloving and ultimately, un-Christian."
Another pastor statement, "If you’re gay, you can get married in the eyes of the law in most states, but not in the eyes of God."
We could not find a policy on Women in Leadership, so we scored this church website as undisclosed. Bear in mind that there are no women in senior leadership and no women, to date, have preached sermons.