The church's website does not have a clear articulation of its policy, but it lists a sermon, "Will There Be Any Gay People in Heaven?" in which the pastor states that celibacy is a requirement for "same-sex attracted" individuals.
Its Score is Unclear because this congregation's actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but embedded in a sermon ?Why does God want Women to be Barefoot and Pregnant dated May 2013 by Mike Howerton.
"It's the Genesis 3 paradigm...Men dominate, women hate being dominated...patriarchy is this Genesis 3 product. I would add that feminism, which seeks to overturn patriarchy in favor of matriarchy is also a product of Genesis 3."
21 minutes: "There are not to be genders at war with one another, but rather in this incredible unity and harmony. And so complementarianism sounds nice, certainly, but in that there are some roles which are not available to women, some rules in life and in faith, for example: teaching, governance, leading the church. Paul is arguing that there's a reason for this. And the argument he's making is that it has to do with the creation order...'For God made Adam first and after him he made Eve.'...And because of this order, Paul says that we are to live in complementary harmony."