Page 10.
"4. God’s Creation. God created the universe and everything in it, both visible and invisible, out of nothing. All His creation was very good. God requires nothing, but created everything for His glory.God created mankind , both male and female, equally in His image and without sin. Adam and Eve were created for God’s glory and to live in relationship with one another,establishing marriage as a one-flesh union between one man and one woman, each with differingand complementary roles which is a reflection of the loving relationship between Christ and thechurch."
On the Beliefs page:
"Beyond these basic beliefs, the Doctrines of Proclaim describe our theological distinctives which our leadership affirms and which informs what we teach at Proclaim. Members are not required to believe all of the Doctrines. Our commitment is to walk alongside our members to help everyone understand these doctrines and our members commit to avoid any disunity or quarrelling over doctrines with which they disagree."
The Beliefs page contains a link to the Doctrines of Proclaim Church which states:
"Each local church should recognize and affirm the calling of spiritually qualified men to give leadership to the church and oversight to its teaching through the role of pastor-elder." (found on p. 17)