Its Score is Unclear because this congregation's actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but embedded in sermon notes from October 13, 2013:
Jesus on Marriage and Divorce states "The Biblical view of marriage is A man and a woman cemented together by God in a covenant relationship..Marriage is meant to be a sacred, God-formed, God glorifying, joining of a man and a woman for life."
Marriage: a portrait of Christ states "Paul explains that YOUR MARRIAGE...This union of a man and woman coming together and becoming one a picture of something FAR GREATER—God and I will become one!"
Ecclesiology states "Scripture also gives us a clear list of qualifications for those who would be appointed to such positions [as elders]. The qualifications include male eldership, family before ministry, and shared leadership (plurality of elders). We love our families, we are complementarians, and we share our leadership and ministries."