Its actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but embedded in sermons from January 2018 and July 2018.
An Open Conversation Between a Gay Son and His Pastor (Everyday Missionary Podcast, 2018); Episode 3
"Q & A Second Service" (Sermon by Matt Boswell, July 2018) Start listening at 13:55.
"If somebody struggles with same-sex attraction, let's say, just like somebody struggles with lust, you know? That may be a lifelong journey, there may be a lot of victory and defeat, there may be failure along the way, there may be successes along the way...Now if they ask, what do you think the bible says, I'll go back to what the bible says, 'It says God has a design, and this is outside the design. So I don't have any question marks there.'"
Its actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but in its network's website. The website does not state the church's network, but it was found in The Gospel Coalition's database.
Foundation Documents (TGC)
New Page: "The Bible also says God made them male and female so they would complement one another’s unique roles in marriage and life."