Its website states that "St. Ann's welcomes all people interested in learning about, celebrating and showing in word and action the unconditional love of God that is the gospel message of Jesus Christ. We have a history and reputation for being inclusive and advocates for LGBTQ equality in our denomination and in the city of Nashville."
But it has an important caveat in its FAQ:
What is the Episcopal Church’s stance on same sex marriage and the blessing of a civil union of same sex couples?
Same sex marriage and the blessing of same sex civil unions has been endorsed and allowed in the Episcopal Church. The permission to perform same sex marriages and blessings varies from diocese to diocese depending upon the permission of the bishop. In the Diocese of Tennessee, of which St. Ann’s belongs, our bishop is one of a very few bishops who has not permitted marriage or blessings of same sex couples. The priest and members of St. Ann’s stand in solidarity with others in the diocese in support of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, to accommodate such weddings and blessings, and to change the policy in our diocese.
Defrocked pastor to visit St. Ann's Episcopal Church
(Out & About Nashville 21/10/2014)