Its Score is Unclear because this congregation's actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but embedded in a sermon entitled "COLOSSIANS: Use Your Heavenly Life to Control Your Earthly Body" recorded on July 26, 2019, by Ryan Farrell.
The relevant quote begins around the 40:15 mark: "What Paul's doing with these three is he's likely just referencing all sexual sin. As one faithful to the scriptures, he would be referencing any and all lust, and any and all sexual actions that would occur outside of a marriage between a man and a woman - that's Paul's sexual ethic. And because it's in the scripture, we would agree with Paul's sexual ethic here at Sideris Church."
Its Score is Unclear because this church's actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but in its peripheral pages.
Women & God - "I also found Nielson's perspective on women in the church very insightful, and it helped me to expand my understanding on something I'm still learning about. She talks about the dynamic of submission and authority within the context of life lived out in a local church: women (and men) submitting to the oversight of the male elders of a church."